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June 2010 |
What's New with K9 Bytes®?
This month two of our team members got the exciting chance to get out of the office and spend a day with one of our clients Richard, a professional dog trainer from the Puppy Palace in Tampa. Josh and Chris got the opportunity to meet and experience just how well trained Jenga and Bobua are, good thing they were wearing protective clothing! Watch the video to see what Chris and Josh learned.
Find posts like this on our Twitter and Facebook pages, you can check them out to stay up to date with the latest developments with K9 Bytes®! Have you joined our Yahoo! User’s Group? It’s an open forum for K9 Bytes® clients to discuss the program and talk to other pet resort owners about their experiences our technical support is also on there and can answer questions you have.
New Products and Specials
Biometrics offer a faster, safer way for your employees to login and out, and offer a secure way to block unauthorized users from sensitive information like credit cards. We now offer fingerprint scanners that can be integrated with the K9 Koordinator to offer you the confidence of a completely secure system, to learn more about biometrics take a look at the Biometric Manager website or give us a call. We’re so confident in the system we use it ourselves! Feel free to contact our main office and ask our employees about their experience with the new biometric system.
To get you started, we would like to offer you a great deal in a brand new biometric kit!
What's New in the K9 Koordinator?
We would like to include some of the improvements that have been included in the K9 Koordinator since our last newsletter. The current release of K9 Koordinator Cheetah is version 6.0.334. If you are running behind, you want to be running the latest version! Use the K9 Bytes® Updater to automatically check for and download the latest K9 Koordinator. Click here for instructions on how to dowload and use the Updater. Here is a list of changes since our last newsletter:
Important Announcement
- The new K9 Bytes® Online Help Central system is available. The system can be accessed from the main search screen in the K9 Koordinator, by clicking on the link at the bottom of the screen ‘K9 Bytes® Help Central.’
- Some changes to the layout activate sections require your attention. Go to ‘Set Up,’ ‘Settings,’ and ‘Layout’ and revise your active sections.
- Go to ‘Set Up,’ ‘Basic Services,’ and ‘Daycare’ and activate or inactivate the last option on the screen ‘Print collar automatically on check in.’ This option will automatically print a collar for a pet when checked in for daycare.
- The time clock report was improved. We added information about the total daily time clocked in as well as shifts that go over 8 and 12 hours. This information will facilitate your payroll, and offer an easy way to detect errors. Shifts over 12 hours will be alerted in red.
- The security for all commission reports is now part of financial reports and not general reports.
- There is a new run transfer’s report for reservations. Previously only run transfer for pets already checked in were available.
- The Med and Diets report was optimized for easier reading.
- Added arrival time to grooming check in simple report.
- The Expired vaccination report for boarding was expanded to include all pets for which any day during the stay will match the report range. Previously the boarding vaccinations report was based only on the check in date.
- The rank reports now include the client’s email; the addition of the email makes the report especially useful for customer service and marketing purposes.
- New feature to automatically print collars when a pet is checked in for daycare. Set up can be configured under ‘Set Up,’ ‘Basic Services,’ and ‘Daycare.’
- The last daycare day now shows in each pet’s file, clicking on it will open the daycare history report for that pet.
- New advanced boarding vacancy can now be accessed from the boarding reservation screen under the link “Check Vacancy.” This vacancy screen has been optimized for network environments to load extremely fast. All details about the new vacancy screen can be found.
- New capability to set a boarding contract to show in preview invoices. The wording for the contract can be added under ‘Set Up,’ ‘Basic Services,’ ‘Boarding,’ and ‘Bill Contract.’ This contract will show every time a bill is previewed, or an estimated bill feature is used.
- Time off schedule entries for groomers with a limit of zero, now show in the groomer’s schedule screen as unavailable times.
General Features
- Some speed optimizations for network environments were added to the “K9 Bytes® Manager.” Network users should experience a significant speed improvement.
- The “Documents” feature accessible from the client’s file can now be used to open existing files and copy them to the client’s account. Additionally, for simplicity the “browse for documents” feature now defaults to the user’s desktop instead of the K9 Koordinator folder.
- Services can now be marked as ‘Done’ directly from the ‘K9 Bytes® Manager’ screen.
Remember to visit our new Twitter, Facebook, and Yahoo! pages to read important announcements and more posts like the video of our visit to the Puppy Palace in Tampa. Be sure to check out the Biometric Manager package because the US$500 coupon in this newsletter expires on July 31st! Also, don’t forget to get the new K9 Koordinator update, it’s now available!
We believe that communication is one of our best resources and hope to use this monthly newsletter to increase the communication between our company, pet resorts, pet owners, and clients. Your input is always appreciated.
Best Regards,
Joshua Candamo, PhD
CEO, K9 Bytes®
Joshua Candamo has been involved in dog breeding and show handling with his family all his life. Dr. Candamo received a PhD degree in Computer Science with minor concentrations in Mathematics and Psychology from the University of South Florida. His main areas of research and technical publications are in the fields of Patter Recognition and Image Processing. Joshua has been invited all over the United States to give seminars and talks about applying technology to the pet care industry, and talks about his research applications.
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© 2010 K9 Bytes, Inc. All rights reserved. K9 Bytes is a trademarks of K9 Bytes, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners, should be treated as such, and may be registered in various jurisdictions.
K9 Bytes, Inc., 4809 E. Busch Blvd, Suite 106, Tampa, FL 33617. |